Seasons: Enchanted Kingdom - Expansion - EN

2 bis 4 Spieler
ab 14 Jahren
Seasons: Enchanted Kingdom - Expansion - EN

Seasons: Enchanted Kingdom, the first expansion for Seasons, includes two copies each of 20 new power cards, 10 enchantment cards, 12 special ability tokens that fit into the hole on a player board – so that wasn't just kooky graphic design, but rather foreshadowing! – and additional other material, such as two replacement cards that have received errata in newer editions of Seasons.


40 Power cards
10 Enchantment cards
12 Special Ability tokens
16 Energy tokens
2 "Raven" tokens
1 "First Player" token
2 "Bespelled Grimoire" energy reserve expansions for individual game boards
7 "Decreased energy reserve" tokens

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