Bali - Village of Tani - Erweiterung

2 bis 4 Spieler
ab 10 Jahren
Bali - Village of Tani - Erweiterung

Bali: Village of Tani is the second major expansion for Bali and introduces a few new aspects to the game. There are some extra playing cards for the building of the Village of Tani. 

The village board consists of four different parts. In Phase 2, each player has a new action available during their turn: Build a hut. This action can be performed instead of the regular action Play cards. 

You place a farmer card from your hand onto the discard pile to build a hut in the corresponding area on the village board. Then place 1, 2 or 3 sacrifice cards of your choice from your hand back into the supply to determine on which field in that area you can place your hut. After placing your hut, you immediately receive the bonus of that area: Ganesha figure, stones, or a banana plantation tiles for scoring bonus points. 

Additionally, there will be a wooden "Ganesha meeple" which delivers more points when scoring Priests. Finally, extra victory point tokens helps make score-keeping a little easier. Important: If a player still has any unbuilt huts at the end of the game then that player does not participate in the end scoring and automatically loses the game. 

So, you must build all the huts you received at the start of the game.

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