Mascotas - EN/ES

2 bis 8 Spieler
ab 4 Jahren
15 bis 30'
Mascotas - EN/ES

You've finally found the pet of your dreams...but will you be able to look after it? You need to show those around you that you are 'The Best Pet Owner'. It won't be easy because everybody wants the title and will do whatever they can to get it...good luck!!!

Mascotas is a game for 2 to 8 players where your objective is to ensure your pet gets all the care it needs and is neither angry nor ill.

In order to win you must ensure that the face up big version of your pet card has all the 'cares' it needs in each of its corners (every pet needs specific 'cares' cards). You also need to ensure that your pet isn't angry or ill.

The box contains a total of 78 cards divided into the following types:

  • Pets: Hamster, Dog, Fish and Tortoise
  • Cares: Wash, Home, Food and Fun
  • States: Ill, Healthy, Angry and Happy
  • Actions: Naughty boy, Police, Pet shop, Mad scientist, Tornado

Description from the publisher (Spanish):

¿seguro que puedes cuidar a tu mascota?. Debes demostrar que eres el mejor cuidador dándole de comer, aseándola, jugando con ella y comprándole una casita, pero…quizás no sea suficiente. Los demás intentarán enfadarla, enfermarla y ¡hasta robártela!, llevando a cabo todo tipo de acciones.

Mascotas es un divertidísimo juego para todas las edades que contiene 82 cartas, 4 cartas grandes de mascota, así como reglas de juego en español e inglés.

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