The Children of Malkav are called the lunatics of Kindred society, but just as often they are its oracles. They see the unseen and speak the unspoken truths that will haunt your mind. Make no mistake: they might seem eccentric, but the vampires of Clan Malkavian are serious players in The Eternal Struggle.
This deck is a fast machine of devastation. Your vampires use Obfuscate stealth tactics to sneak past blockers and deliver heavy bleed attacks powered by Dominate. Your combat defence is limited, but who needs protection when your rivals are already ousted?
Preconstructed decks provide players with everything to start this multiplayer card game in combination with other players and decks. There exist no booster packs with random cards, every product gives you the corresponding complete card set. You can mix the deck and adjust it to your playstyle.
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a card game in which you take on the role of an ancient vampire, a Methuselah. For thousands of years, you have lurked in the shadows of human societies, manipulating mortals and younger vampires. Your hunger for power knows no bounds, and you use whatever means possible to weaken your enemies, from subtle mischief to frontal assault. You must increase your influence and destroy the other Methuselahs one by one before they destroy you.
89 Card V5 Malkavian Deck
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