Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition - Preconstructed Deck: Toreador - EN

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition - Preconstructed Deck: Toreador - EN
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition - Preconstructed Deck: Toreador - EN

89 Card V5 Toreador Deck
The vampires of Clan Toreador are the creatives and divas of Kindred society, always seeking pleasure and adoration in unlife. They are obsessed with beauty and sensation, weaving their political plots into works of art. While every bit as bloodthirsty as any other kindred, they engage in The Eternal Struggle in style.

This deck will establish political control of the game and reap heavy rewards. Trick opponents to block the “wrong” actions to sneak through devastating blows. Defensive measures are at a minimum – instead focus on overwhelming your prey and maximize profit.

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