Play Smart is an iconic book from A Game Master’s Almanac series. A Game Master’s Almanac line was inspired by a classic book Play Dirty by John Wick.
Total of 6 books was released under that banner, and now the bestselling one is getting its first English release. Play Smart: A Game Master’s Almanac addresses key issues of a Game Master’s relationship with players. Packed with examples, stories, and anecdotes from actual game sessions, the book also contains useful tricks and advice to overcome common problems a GM might face.
A priceless resource for beginner Game Masters, a valuable reference point for the more experienced, and just an overall great read! Ignacy Trzewiczek is an experienced Game Master and co-author of the Neuroshima and Monastery role-playing games. He became known for Autumns Tales, a series of articles on running Warhammer, forever changing the way the game is played in Poland.
Now, with his experience, insight, and humor, he shares a valuable guide for all levels of Game Masters.