The Zombie Apocalypse has begun, will you be able to survive? Arm and barricade yourself, use that chainsaw, perform heroic feats... But most of all, try to get the zombies to kill the others before they kill you! Everything is allowed in order to be... the last one alive!
Last One Alive is a fast and fun dice game for 2 to 5 players. The game is played in turns: each player rolls a selection of dice to eliminate the attacking zombies, or send them toward other players. If, at the end of a player's turn, any zombies are left, the player is overpowered and eliminated from the game.
There are four different kind of custom dice to choose from. Zombie dice will “spawn” zombies to kill or drive away; Shot dice will make you shoot zombies; Item dice will allow you to find precious items to survive; Barricade dice will let you build up your defense.
Last One Alive is fast paced: the rhythm of the game increases turn by turn, as the number of zombies in play grows and they become more and more deadly for the players using the "Zombie Apocalypse" rules.
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